Quest:An Uncomfortable Noble

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An Uncomfortable Noble
Level 81
Type Solo
Starts with Near Frána, son of Orm
Starts at Thornhope
Start Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [42.1S, 66.6W]
Ends with Frána, son of Orm
Ends at The Entwash Vale
End Region Entwash Vale
Quest Group Entwash Vale
Quest Chain Thornhope
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

While searching Thornhope for survivors, you discovered a nobleman hiding from the Orcs.

You should help the nobleman to safety.


While searching Thornhope for survivors, you discovered a nobleman hiding from the Orcs.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Frána
You have found a minor noble of the household of Thornhope hiding in the ruins

Objective 2

  • Talk to Frána

Frána is hiding near the Mead Hall of Thornhope.

You should escort Frána to safety.

Frána, son of Orm: 'You there! Help me escape this place...I demand it!
'Wh-what? You say you cleared a path through the beasts? Well then, I will hurry to Béortnoth's camp.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Frána at Béortnoth's camp

Frána is at Béortnoth's camp, outside of Thornhope.

You should speak with Frána when you return to Béortnoth's camp.

Frána, son of Orm: 'I suppose I should be grateful for your assistance, but you have delivered me into the hands of a madman! I shall not call Béortnoth thane... not until he finds me a comfortable home in which to dwell.'